I felt like I was making a difference for people

In the summer of 2019, we bumped into Colleen Schell, as she joined Slow Retreats Yoga Cruise to the Southern Gilis. As we were sailing along the beautiful coast line of Lombok, we slowly got to learn more about Colleen, and we got to know her on a different level. It was such a magical and inspiring experience to be introduced to this kind and energetic human being. Colleen Schell, intimacy coach and ‘magician of her own love life’ - yes, it’s her title, and we absolutely love it!

You can’t do anything, but simply fall in love with Colleen’s personality. This warm and caring woman is always lightening up the room with her joy and her presence. And this is exactly why we are so honored that Colleen has chosen to make her way to Gili Air for the second edition of Slow Food & Yoga Festival in October 2019.


Turning them into the magician in their love life

Colleen is an intimacy coach, and her wish is to turn people into the magician of their own love life. We asked Colleen some questions about her journey as an intimacy coach and what made her fall in love with this specific area of life.

”When I taught high level leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs in San Francisco and Silicon Valley about emotional intelligence, something magical happened. They would come back and tell me how they applied what I taught them not only in their professional life, but also in their personal life. My clients shared stories of them connecting with their partners in new ways, hugging their daughter for the first time, listening to their Mom's through love, and expanding their ability to feel and experience empathy.”

”I soon realized, that these are the stories that lit me up and made me feel that I was making a difference for people. Because of this, my focus turned away from empowering leaders to empower people in their intimate lives. I hung up my suits and boots, moved to Bali, and re-emerged to use my expertise in emotional intelligence to become a love and intimacy teacher.”
”Since then, I have had the honor of guiding hundreds of people through trainings, teachings, workshops, and experiences that allow them to learn how to create intimacy, connection, play, love, and joy wherever they go. Turning them into the magician in their love life.”


Power and capability to connect intimately with others

Colleen has trained and supported hundreds of men and women in opening up so that they can experience a deeper connection with themselves and others. But all of these workshops and teachings have not only affected the participants lives, it has also had a huge impact on Colleen’s personal life:

”Applying emotional intelligence to my own life has taught me that this stuff works! WOW! Everyday I have the power to use the teachings and create magic. Because of this, my relationships are deeper, richer, real, and expansive. My daily experience is one of gratitude, learning, curiosity, and possibility. Life opens up in new, radical and beautiful ways. I want this for everyone.”

”When people experience my trainings, they walk away with more power and capability to connect intimately with others. I give them simple but powerful teachings, trainings, and tools that they apply to their lives immediately to start getting different results in their love life.”

It has been shown again and again that good relationships are the number one thing that has your life fulfilled. This is why, Colleen’s trainings have a big impact on people's joy, happiness, and love. Here is a testimonial from a participant from one of Colleen’s teachings:

"You do not want to miss this event. I have gone to a few and yes, they deliver. Not only did I feel really, really fulfilled, seen and heard; but some of the games we played influenced difficult decisions that I was trying to make. And, at every event I went to, I left with a few new friends! At these events, you really get to know people, drop your normal facade and get to just be yourself and it feels GOOD!"


Experience radically new ways to connect, play, and share

Colleen is joining Slow Food & Yoga Festival in Gili Air, in October! We are so happy to have her on board. She will be sharing a workshop on “Slow Intimacy - An Experiment with Connection”. This experience is part workshop, part experiment with games and exercises teaching you how to have more joy, love, and intimacy in your life in a light and playful atmosphere.

“I am SO EXCITED to be joining the community at the Slow Food & Yoga Festival. I feel lucky and grateful that I was chosen to lead a workshop and share the magic I have learned from my years of training. And coming back to Gili is always a gift… the beautiful waters, sea life, and people make it so magical.”

”I expect to fully engulf myself in this uniquely curated event and share intimacy, love, and connection with everyone there. This feels like a fantastic playground to be free, loving, playful, and open.”

”This will only be amplified by my chance to share the beauty, magic, and power of erotic and emotional intelligence with the people that come to my event. The environment of Gili and the container that Slow is creating, will be a super charged space for us to go deep with safety and confidence so we can experience radically new ways to connect, play, and share. My teachings and trainings are intended for you to connect with yourself, intuition, heart, and soul while experiencing connection with others. This co-creative space will be magical and inspiring. You will leave feeling that you have the capacity to create magic in your relationships.”

Slow Intimacy is all about playing and having fun while connecting with yourself and others. Magic happens in an environment of curiosity and play. This is what you can expect in Colleen’s workshop. She will be leading you through emotional and erotic intelligence exercises and experiences that will teach you the magical spells of creating deep, rich, and real relationships. You will have insights, epiphanies, a-hah moments, and FUN! You will walk away with tips, tricks, and tools to empower your love life and beyond.

  • Learn how to create passion, freedom, play, and fun between you and others at any time.
  • Experience feeling the safety of going to your edge so that you can be more free, authentic, and truly you.
  • Create deeper trust, confidence, and intimacy with others
  • Learn and practice new intimacy and connection communication tools and skills
  • Learn the magic of creating deep, real, and juicy relationships

Intimacy moves at the pace of molasses - slow and steady

Slow Food & Yoga festival has a high focus on the slow movement, slow living and slow food. We asked Colleen what this means to her:

”Intimacy moves at the pace of molasses - slow and steady. You can not rush intimacy. It needs time, space, and breath. Allowing for that space and openness is key for the magic to occur. You have probably already experienced this in your yoga practice. Though doing a fast paced yoga class can feel good, most of us get the insights, deep shifts, and transformative experiences when we slooooowwww it all down. When we go deep into one pose, transition slowly, and take deep intention breathes.”

”Everyday I make it a practice to slow down, feel, and be. It is a process of remembering and forgetting, for sure. I am not perfect at it. But when I do remember, it makes a huge difference in my daily experience of life. Slow means that I am in my life, feeling alive, and seeing the delicious details that get lost on me if I move too fast.”


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